Google Fonts isn't always your friend

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January 2, 2023

Google Fonts can either be your best friend or your branding nemesis

Tech giants like Google offer tons of freebies for startups or individuals looking to create a website, app, or just something in general. Knowing about Google Fonts, it's hard to believe that any business would not take advantage of all this free stuff! Unfortunately, these handy tools may make it easier for you to get started on your projects - but they won't exactly differentiate your brand from the next company that uses the same icons or fonts.

So, what should I do when it comes to fonts?

Well, it depends on your situation really. Here are some things to consider as you go through your typographic journey.

Custom typefaces provide an unparalleled amount of authenticity for your brand

Custom typefaces are the hot thing as of late with large brands like AirBnb and Google having their own proprietary cut made for them. Having your own font developed is a fantastic choice... if you can afford it. Months to years can go by developing the appropriate type for your brand and business uses.

There are lots of considerations and refinements that need to happen before it can be used in the wild. Is your company international? Great, well now you'll need to develop that font in multiple languages and all the characters that aren't normally used in your day to day language. Where is this type going to be used? Will it be used for textbooks and then also billboards? Different versions need to be made so that it looks the best it can be for each output.

Long story short here, custom type is great if you can afford it or can justify the long-term cost. But it definitely isn't for everyone. The next point is usually where most land.

Paid fonts are a great mid-tier option

Similar to their custom counterparts, paid typefaces are a great option for brands and businesses looking to differentiate themselves without breaking the bank. Most font foundries or type designers also have retail fonts that you can purchase and use for business purposes (with the appropriate license). So if you love the work that Oh No Type Co. makes, but don't have the budget for a custom font, you can purchase a retail font from them. While there may be other businesses that use that same font, the chances are much lower due to the paywall gap. We recommend consulting with your brand strategist and designer before purchasing any fonts. It's important to understand the creative landscape of your competitors and the use of your font and it would absolutely suck to buy something that doesn't work for you.

Free fonts can easily lead to a sea of same

Yes, free fonts are awesome. I mean, who doesn't love free stuff? Finding that one font on Behance or Google Fonts that just sits perfectly with you is a great feeling; That feeling comes at a strategist cost though. Now before bashing free fonts too much, it should be said that it's all dependent on your situation and use. Our primary viewpoint is from a branding and identity standpoint. Utility and budget are two huge factors to also be considered, but are more easily countered when diving into the challenge of meeting our clients criteria.

Would you believe that a great font like Inter, has been reported to be used in over 590 THOUSAND websites around the globe? It's an amazing workhorse font for branding and text. Lots of tech and startup brands gravitate towards it thanks to its neutral and Swiss-like appearance. Personally, I love it, but can't behind using it for any branding projects. Over half a million people are using the font for their brand - so how are you supposed to stand out from the crowd if you end up looking like everyone else typographically?

Think strategically when it comes to fonts

When it comes to building your company's image online, you need to consider the various typeface options available to you. We understand that not everyone has access or budget for a designer to help make these considerations. It's more about how you use the font within your brand and the actual font itself. Having the knowledge to make those decisions is equally as important.

For what its worth, we also practice what we preach. We're actively developing and iterating our own company typefaces. It's used on this site for most of the headings and text!

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